RAPE Devil With-In

Till now you have heard this word ‘sin’, here you are going to see it. We have shown the ‘Rapist’ as a devil for a reason! Just a sight of this ‘Rape devil’ will send chills down your spine. This is just one picture with a million shades of Sin and Tyranny.

RAPE Devil With-In

Project Brief:

If Sin had a face, it would definitely look like the ‘Rape devil’! As an artist, our responsibility is to shape the emotions and fear of the people around us. Though creating this artwork came with some psychological and emotional conflicts but we tried our best to depict how ‘Sin’ looks like. We even wanted to convey that a rapist is a devil and a devil deserves punishment, not mercy! We support stringent punishment to such devils, they are not humans- they are the devils guiding a human body!